No Christmas presents, just regular giving

No Christmas presents, just regular giving

Instead of gifts and hospitality, we continue to contribute a proportion of our revenue to a range of good causes that fit our ‘design for good’ values.

This year we continued to support:

  • The Sustainable Business Network as Investors,
  • Transparency International as Members
  • Coralus (formerly SheEO) as an Activator
  • One Per Cent Collective as a Future 70 Supporter
  • The Police Managers Guild Charity, the Wellington City Mission and the Worldwide Fund for Nature as Donors.

We were also proud to have been a Gold Sponsor of the Climate Change and Business Conference in September and continued to provide special rates to our NGO, Social Enterprise and Charity clients.

Sustainable Business Network

SBNcelebrated its 20th Anniversary in October. As a foundation member, Moxie was delighted to host the Wellington celebration and share stories of the changes in sustainable thinking over the decades as it has moved into the mainstream. We’re now investors rather than members recognising the shift to a network enabling systemic change in climate, waste and nature. Although there is less actual networking these days, when we get together, there is an inspiring sense of common purpose, openness and welcome.

Climate Change and Business Conference

We are incredibly proud of our long-term involvement and leadership in sustainability. In 2022, this included a Gold Sponsorship of the Climate Change and Business Conference, organised by the Sustainable Business Council, The Environmental Defence Society and the Climate Leaders Coalition. Our sponsorship will be an ongoing commitment, recognising the continued urgency of action from the business community to help achieve our net zero goals as a country.

Coralus (formerly CheEO)

Frances became a Coralus Activator in 2020. Coralus is an international network of “radically generous women” offering “crowd-sourced support” and “open-ended wisdom”. Coralus “Activators” contribute to a Perpetual Capital Fund loaned out to selected ventures at 0% interest, then cycled back in to support the next round of companies making progress on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. It’s an uplifting network — highly recommended as a place to belong and make a difference.

One Per Cent Collective Future 70 Supporter

We were one of the founding 50 members, now Future 70. Our combined weekly donations have allowed this innovative organisation to get off the ground and ensure that every $ raised goes to the Kiwi-based charities they work with (currently 16) — local people helping local people. The founders encourage people to think about it like their subscription to Spotify or Netflix, but a subscription for positive change.

Transparency International New Zealand (TINZ)— Member

TINZ’s primary role is holding power to account for the common good. Corruption and lack of accountability threaten our democracy, our economy and the values of fairness and justice that we hold dear. TINZ works with Government, the private sector and civil society to identify corruption risks and to promote integrity and transparency as antidotes to corruption, making New Zealand a better place to live and work. We love their mahi.

The Police Managers' Guild Trust raises funds to Provide New Zealanders with crucial information that helps them to avoid becoming a victim of crime and to support organisations that either help the victims of crime or work to prevent crime. Our donation goes towards their work to avoid the shocking levels of domestic violence afflicting our region and country.

The Wellington City Mission needs no introduction to Wellingtonians. A couple of years ago, we were delighted to work with them on the refresh of their brand to achieve higher awareness of the breadth of their work. They are an incredible asset to the region, and we donate to their Christmas appeal every year to put help food on the tables of individual families struggling to make ends meet.

The Worldwide Fund for Nature

WWF reported in their 2022 Living Planet Report that wildlife populations have plummeted by 69% since 1970. Organisations like these need all the help they can get, not least here in Aotearoa, where they have some wonderful conservation projects in play.